Sunday, February 1, 2009

Latest Update on ND Bluegrass Music

The ND Bluegrass Updater (as of 1/31/09)

The next B.A.N.D. Board will be meeting on Sunday, February 8, 2009 at 5:00 pm at the Hong Kong Restaurant in Bismarck. All B.A.N.D. members are welcome to attend.

The Bismarck jam session for February 8 will again be located at the Heritage Center on the State Capitol grounds, 2-5 pm. Stay tuned for the March location.

Wanted: Classified items to list in the ND Bluegrass Music newsletter and on this blog, free to B.A.N.D. members. List items for sell, swap, or items wanted. Email to or mail to John Andrus, 210 7th Avenue, Litchville, ND 58461

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